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Thursday, 1 February 2018

WhatsApp Business Application: It’s A Boon For SMEs Or Not

With the launch of WhatsApp Business Application, it emerges as the most interesting and trendy topic for discussion among the marketing experts. However, at present, only users from US, UK, Mexico, Italy, Indonesia, and of course India, have rights to use outstanding features of the newly launched business version of Whatsapp. A new release will always be a boon for some people, while, on the other hand, it may also bring difficulties to the other class of the people. So, it’s interesting to watch, whether Whatsapp business application will become a boon for SMEs or they have to face difficulties while using this version.

What Features It Offers To Benefice SMEs?

It’s estimated that the business version of Whatsapp offers almost all those features that are offered by the social media giant, Facebook. There’s no need to be surprised! Being the parent company of Whatsapp, it’s quite obvious if offer features similar to Facebook. Let’s see, what are they? 
  • Allot a Green Check Mark only to the trusted businesses. It’s basically the identification of authenticity.
  • Allow businesses to display their profile. This can be done simply by downloading the application.
  • Businesses can easily interact with their clients, and answer their queries to maintain standards of work transparency. 
  • It’s easy to maintain goodwill among customers with Whatsapp business application. How? You can easily automate waves to greet your esteemed customers.
  • Provides outstanding messaging statistics. You can easily check your customer’s availability for marketization purposes.
  • It allows SMEs to build a unique identity in the market through their profile which is completely different from usual profiles.
Observing the huge popularity within such a short snap of time, it’s estimated that this new version will provide a better platform to SMEs for interaction purposes. Although, it’s also observed that B2C companies will become those users who will reap more benefits to expand their business with this launch as compared to others. It offers a unique platform to interact with customers in no time. Apart from this, it also emerges as a Promising Platform For Digital Marketing.

It will become the most used platform for the creation of effective marketing campaigns for promotion purposes in furure. Are you curious to know, what more it brings for SMEs? Then, keep in touch with Flawless India. We will soon update tricks, tips, and guides for SMEs to take advantages of Whatsapp business application. 

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