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SEO Services

Saturday, 13 January 2018

2018: The Year To Focus More on Mobile SEO For Good Visibility Results

Evolution of digitalization made online businesses to employ Search Engine Optimization practices to give their Brand a visibility among the worldwide audiences. SEO is a common term for today’s tech-savvy people, they are aware of what SEO is and why it’s employed. Now, what’s the point of discussion? Will 2018 remains same as previous years for SEO point of view or there something new going to happen in the current year, 2018.  It’s the point to discuss! We won’t let you wait for more. It’s the time to reveal the secret. The year 2018 will be for Mobile SEO. Yes, you heard it right. Want to Why? & How? Continue reading the content to get your answer.

What’s Your Requirement for Mobile SEO?

For improving your website’s visibility in mobile searches, you need a mobile-friendly website that’s designed and developed by keeping SERP’s requirements of mobile on top priority concerns.
Today, almost 90% of users make use of their smartphones to access the internet. Witnessing the increasing use of mobile devices, it becomes a mandatory practice to incorporate Accelerated Mobile Pages, AMP features while designing to make the website eligible for ranking on top of the Google’s first indexing on mobile searches. Thus, it’s among very first essentials to make you eligible for mobile SEO.

What Features A Mobile Friendly Site Offers?

Mobile SEO Optimization

There’s no hard and fast rule that’s employed to design a website on mobile-friendly aspects, however, mobile-friendly sites look exactly same as websites that are designed normally. Then, what’s the difference?
Basically, the difference is on their load time, i.e; they are given a highly responsive design that takes only a few seconds to open the website on the mobile devices. Apart from that, it offers content readability in an adequate form. You are not required to double press your mobile’s screen to zoom in the content. Additionally, it allows mobile users to navigate the entire website just with the ease of slight touch and simple clicks.
Thus, you can say that it incorporates totally different attributes to make it easy for search engines to give added value to the site in search results.   

What Makes 2018, The Year For Mobile SEO?

It’s has been observed that in past a few year, mobile emerges as the most reliable gadget that found in hands of every second individual. Whenever, a person is willing to inquire about their favorite nearby brands, product/ service offered by the company, or the simplest way to reach the destination, they use their mobile phone to clear their doubts. Coming to the internet, mostly users trust Google to receive genuine results. 

In accordance with the Google Analytics analysis, it’s been observed that overall approximations of 60% Google searches are made through mobile devices in the last year, and it’s estimated that the current year, 2018 will increase this figure. It’s the point where Mobile SEO comes into the picture. A site must be responsive and support all mobile-friendly parameters to rank high in mobile’s search results. 

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